This Week’s Comics

DC’s Zero Month continues, partying like it’s 1994!  Here are this week’s new and noteworthy releases.

  • ATOMIC ROBO FLYING SHE DEVILS O/T PACIFIC #3  – After a somewhat rough start with the first issue (I found the aerial combat too hard to read), AR: FSDotP (whew!) has really hit it’s stride.
  • ATOMIC ROBO REAL SCIENCE ADV #6 – You DO know that Robo learns kung fu from Bruce Lee in here, right?  RIGHT???
  • GHOST #0 – I spotted this in my first Previews and Portents column a couple months back, and the Kelly Sue Deconnick/Phil Noto tag-team is enough to make me give it a shot, even though I’m not really familiar with the character.
  • ROGER LANGRIDGES SNARKED #12 – Despite a fairly sleepy middle act, Snarked has been revelatory. It’s easy enough for kids yet complex enough for adults.  And funny!  With this final issue I’m somewhat afraid we’ll finally SEE the snark, since the running gag has been not knowing what he looks like.  I’m happy enough to NEVER know what Langridge’s looks like, content to have the snark of my imagination. Sad as I am that it’s going away, I’m equally as excited to see what Mr. Langridge has for us next.

That’s it for this week.  Expect reviews later in the week for Hawkeye, Rocketeer, and more.  What looks good to you?

This Week’s Comics

Another light week. Frighteningly light.  I have absolutely no clue what’s going on with my pull list, but let’s take a look at this week’s new and noteworthy titles.

  • ATOMIC ROBO FLYING SHE DEVILS O/T PACIFIC #2 and ATOMIC ROBO REAL SCIENCE ADV #5 – As much as I love Robo, it does confuse me that two titles are released on the same day instead of spaced out.
  • DAREDEVIL ANNUAL #1 – As long as it’s written by Waid!
  • IT GIRL & THE ATOMICS #1 – Mike Allred’s fun writing combined with Mike Norton’s more realistic art looks like it’s going to combine the best parts of fun and more traditional superheroics.  As much as I truly love Allred’s art, I do like the idea of his characters in a less-cartoony style.
  • PUNK ROCK JESUS #2 – The first issue was amazing.  Sean Murphy is a very talented artist, but who knew he could write?  This dystopian story hit all the right notes for me.

That’s it for this week.  What looks good to you?

Tomorrow’s Comics

This is a great week of comics, with TWO issues of Atomic Robo and some other stuff that’s good but ALSO TWO ISSUES OF ATOMIC ROBO!  Yes, this is like Second Christmas for me.

  • ATOMIC ROBO FLYING SHE DEVILS O/T PACIFIC #1 (OF 5) and ATOMIC ROBO REAL SCIENCE ADV #3 – Okay, so Flying She-Devils is the next full volume and Real Science Adventures continues the collection of short stories.  And I truly am excited they’re both out this week, but I’m a little confused why Red 5 is releasing them on the same day instead of spacing them throughout the month.
  • BERKELEY BREATHED OUTLAND COMP COLL HC – This will fit right in with your Bloom County collections.  Or if not yours, mine.  These are amazing collections, and IDW is going to become the new Fantagraphics (if only in the quality of their archival collections) if they keep it up.
  • FATALE TP VOL 01 DEATH CHASES ME – I just couldn’t remember what was happening in Fatale from month to month, so I’m hoping the move to trades is better for my ever-weakening memory.  Issue 6 is also outthis week, but I’m not sure if that means the TPB is only 5 issues or if they’re releasing the collection on the same day as the last issue in some sort of strategic alignment/vertical integration.  Almostcertainly the former, but the latter would be pretty interesting.
  • FF #19
  • LOEG III CENTURY #3 2009 – I confess: I’ve lost all interest in LoEG. It’s just to insular and referential, and if I’m being honest I just don’t like Kevin O’Neill’s art at all.  He’s a fine draftsman, I just find his style too rough and angular for my tastes.
  • MANHATTAN PROJECTS #4 – MP gets better with each issue.  Mad science at its finest!
  • PROPHET #26

More reviews are forthcoming, as my love of Snarked and Thunderbolts has been reawakened.  That’s it for this week.  What looks good to you?

A Look at Free Comic Book Day 2012

Free Comic Book Day 2012 has come and gone, and judging by the crowds of excited people I saw at every store I went to (5 over about 4 hours that morning) it was a pretty big success.  But how were the comics that were given away?  Well, I managed to come home with a pretty big stack of them, so let’s take a closer look.

  • Adventure Time/Peanuts – The classic Peanuts stories are great, the new stuff leaves me cold.  Okay, that half of the flipbook out of the way, let’s talk Adventure Time.  This is a great example of what Kaboom is doing with their AT series.  The main story follows all the style guides (and fits within the gutters of issue one), but there are also a couple short stories by indie creators where they can go off and tell whatever stories they like.  It’s a good, fun mix of a good, fun series, and an excellent representation of what you’d get in an issue of Adventure Time.

  • Archaia Presents Mouse Guard and Other Stories – Man, did Archaia raise the bar with their FCBD issue, giving out a 41-page (unless I miscounted) HARDCOVER sampler.  I can’t say every sample was good — Cursed Pirate Girl was somewhat illegible and I had to skip past it — but the Mouse Guard synopsis story (I really need to be reading that!) and Cow Boy by Nate  Cosby and Chris Eliopoulos were excellent.  Cow Boy is definitely going on my next order.  Another fun surprise: a Labyrinth story!  There’s no branding on the story itself but once I recognized Hoggle (okay, it’s not that hard), the other characters came flooding back to me. THIS is what FCBD should be about!
  • Atomic Robo/Neozoic/Bonnie Lass – Even though Archaia put out this Free Comic Book Day’s strongest issue, the Atomic Robo team of Brian Clevenger and Scott Wegener yet again put out an amazing offering this year.  Usually reserving FCBD for a Robo/Dr. Dinosaur fight, this year they teamed up!  Well, in a way.  As always it was hilarious, and as always you should be reading it year-round.  The other samples in here didn’t offer content nearly as strong.  Neozoic hopped from scene to scene (and even from person to person in the same  conversation) so much it felt like panels were missing.  Transitions definitely were. Bonnie Lass was fine, but nothing remarkable.
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron #0.1 – This is a good FCBD choice from Marvel.  High-profile (or rather more importantly, highly talented) creators, recognizable characters appearing in a movie opening the same weekend, and the first part of what will obviously be a huge storyline.  It’s well-written and well-drawn, but after going through it 3 times, I just can’t decide on it.  Is it for the new reader or us established folks?  It definitely feels like part 1 of 13.  The return of Ultron is great, but it feels unusually built up. I just have no idea about this one.  Strategically it’s a good call, but it mostly left me cold.  Maybe that’s just a reflection on my relationship with mainstream superhero comics than anything else.
  • The Censored Howard Cruise – Outside of the obvious creators Crumb, Pekar, and Sheldon I’m not terribly knowledgeable about the original Underground Comix creators, so this joint effort by Boom! (really!) and the CBLDF was a nice addition to the day.  And it really is censored for the FCBD edition, though the upcoming releases will not be.  I was trying to come up with a good way to describe Cruise’s work until Charles Brownstein put it much better than I could have in the backmatter: “Cruse’s technically accomplished line style has a wholesome quality that provides a stark contrast to his candid discussions of sexuality, drug use, and censorship.”  A great offering for the student of both comics and comix.  It’s also worth noting that Boom! has a new Roger Langridge collection coming out called “The Show Must Go On” that we’ll both need to keep our eyes peeled for.
  • Dinosaurs vs Aliens – Since we’re discussing how comics work, DvA fails completely, offering only 8 pages of actual comic book and filling up the rest with sketches, concept art, and text pieces.  It’s an interesting book, but not really enough sequential art to qualify as a comic.  Skepticism ruins the rest of the goodwill I have for this title.  Movie director comes up with painfully obvious mash-up (since those are all the rage), hires the best comic writer in the business to write a screenplay, then does a comic to provide street cred (see also: Cowboys vs Aliens).  Oh well, at least the art will be beautiful.
  • Image 20 – Image takes their shot this year with a sampler of their upcoming titles.  Going with a book full of teasers is probably a good call (although I’m obviously biased towards a full comic) but nothing I read inspired me to pick any of them up.
  • The New 52 – Despite my DC boycott I still picked this up, figuring it at least wasn’t putting any money in the Time-Warner coffers.  Another teaser book, this kicks off the backstory behind Pandora, the mystery woman who appeared in each of DC’s 52 #1 issues.  No disrespect intended to the creators involved, but a passing familiarity with Greek mythology and a play-through of God of War is probably all the Pandora stories we need.
  • Spider-Man: Season One – This whole “accessible universe” thing is getting out of hand.  A decade ago Marvel kicked off the Ultimate line with the intent of luring in new readers.  Then DC launched their Earth One line of OGN’s for bookstores and rebooted their whole damn universe.  Unwilling to be beaten at their own game, Marvel then launches THEIR line of bookstore OGN’s, doing the exact same thing every other relaunch has done since John Byrne did Spider-Man: Chapter One.  If you love modernized Spider-Man reboots this will be right up your alley, but otherwise this is pretty inessential.
  • Stuff of Legend/Finding Gossamyr – I’m always charmed by the soul and charming artwork of the Stuff of Legend books, though I don’t see it on the stands often enough to keep up with it.  (Fortunately, there’s an ad in the back for a collection of the first two volumes, which I will definitely pick up).  Finding Gossamyr was a little confusing…It looks like a young boy solves a math problem that leads to a portal to another dimension, but tI had a little trouble reading the transition between the two worlds.  The artwork was a nice cartoony style, and the story was intriguing more than mysterious for it’s own sake.  If you enjoy Narnia-type alternate world stories, this is a title to keep an eye out for.
  • Transformers: Regeneration One #80.5 – My love of comics started with the original Marvel Transformers series.  I was given a three-pack innocently enough, but suddenly it’s 30 years and thousands of issues later.  There will always be a soft, biased spot in my heart for those Robots in Disguise. Sure, their adventures were mainly used to reinforce toy lines, but by the end of the original 80-issue run we got to some truly original stories as we reached the final battle with Unicron written by Simon Furman and (mostly) drawn by Andrew Wildman.

Yes the Cybertronians were victorious, but in the aftermath were some of the grayest, bleakest stories I had ever read as the Transformers struggled to find purpose again.  Furman got to tell stories that didn’t require introducing new toys and could focus on the characters.  Wildman, who if I recall was a pretty divisive art choice at the time, was my favorite TF artist ever, able to draw alt modes and robot forms equally well and distinctly.  What really set him apart were the distinctive (and dare I say, human) faces with spittle frequently flying and battle damage showing they may be robots, but they’ve clearly been to Hell.

Together they got away with telling some truly weird stories.  Galvatron travels to kill his past-self before realizing he would cease to exist.  Megatron and Ratchet fuse into a Two-Face robot.  And then five issues after defeating the ultimate evil they were gone.

Their run based my entire opinion of what Transformers COULD be.  Even though it’s been a while since I’ve gone back to see how they hold up, make no mistake: I know full well that most of the comic series was pretty bad, not to mention some truly awful cartoon episodes.  But those issues…well they showed a lot of growth and potential for more.

Wildman and Furman have teamed up many times since that series end, even on Transformers, with Armada.  Those darker issues seem to have inspired other approaches to the characters as well, but none of them have worked for me.  The names and characterization are roughly the same, but the Armada or Energon Optimus Primes just aren’t the
same to me like the G1 Prime is, just like Alan Scott is not Hal Jordan is not Kyle Rayner.

Now here we are, 21 years after that series ended, and Furman and Wildman are back, picking up where they left off. Or rather, 21 years after they left off.  They do so fairly seamlessly.  Furman’s story could have been more linear rather than bouncing around, but we’re definitely going to get back to the original (and if I may be so bold, my) characters.  And Wildman’s art returned to exactly where I remember, without all the overly-angular jagged faces obviously inspired by the movies.  This is a very good comic, and I’m really excited to see where they take us.

(Now after having written all this, I feel like I’ve done Geoff Johns a disservice by my griping about him turning DC into what he loved most as a kid.)

  • 2000 AD – The surprise find of FCBD 2012!  I’ve never seen a 2000 AD FCBD issue before; I didn’t even know they participated.  The first pleasant surprise was the large magazine size, so it stands out from all the other offerings.  Then it gives several complete chunks of comics.  Sure, some of the stories were a part one but it’s an accurate representation of what to expect from 2000 AD.  Then the contents showcased a little bit of everything: classic sci-fi, some horror, a vintage Alan Moore story, and a superhero satire.  I’ve never read an individual issue of 2000 AD before, but after this I think I might need to add it to my pull list.
  • Valiant 2012 – Even though this was just a teaser book, it worked. I’m sufficiently piqued for the Valiant relaunch this summer.  Unfortunately, it’s still a bad free comic.  Marvel and DC put out things like this monthly; it’s a promotional item.*

* Yes, they’re all promotional items, but the point of Free Comic Book Day is, you know, a free comic book.

  • Yo Gabba Gabba – I really don’t know what to say about this one, since I am neither a small child nor a guardian of small children.  It definitely won’t appeal to anyone whose age is approaching double-digits, and there’s no hipster cred other than some nice work by Mike Allred and Evan Dorkin.  But might it get small children into appreciating comics?  Yes.  Yes it might. And that’s one to grow on.

And that was my 2012 Free Comic Book Day.  I think it was a raging success, even if not every book was.  I hope you found some great comics out there and have maybe been inspired to track down a few new things.  And only 11 months until next year’s!

Tomorrow’s Comics

I’m so excited for this week, no preamble.  We’re jumping right in! Here are this week’s new and noteworthy releases.

Yes, that's a robot about to whack something with a tiny dinosaur.

  • ATOMIC ROBO REAL SCIENCE ADV #1 $2.75 – New Atomic Robo, and look at that price!  Many issues of AR include backup features written by Brian Clevenger and drawn by other available artists.  Real Science Adventures takes these from the backups and makes them the featured story.  I admit I always appreciate Scott Wegener’s art the most on Robo, partially because he’s just that good, but mainly because the quality of the guest artists tends to fluctuate pretty wildly.  Still, new Robo is new Robo, and you can’t go wrong for less than $3.
  • BLOODSTRIKE #26 – I am SO torn about this one!  On the one hand, it’s Bloodstrike, the main signal that the 90’s had gotten dangerously out of control (yeah, yeah, I read it.  Shut up.).  On the other, The Rob’s Extreme relaunch has been surprisingly good, so it’s got the virtue of being in good company.  I’m in for now.
  • DAREDEVIL #10 – I believe I covered this.
  • FF #16 – After finally finding FF #1, I’ve read the first year’s worth of stories now.  It’s technically good, but I definitely feel like it misses out on part of the appeal of Hickman’s run, namely that just about every story was a standalone but fed into the whole.  It was very artfully done, and after 12 issues a complete story hasn’t been told yet.  I think that’s pretty poor form.  Still, it’s solid FF’ery if you can be patient with it.
  • SNARKED #6

I had planned to take this space to mention Greg Rucka’s new Punisher series, but that will have to wait until next week, when I’ll pair it up with Rick Remender’s new Venom.  So that’s it for this week.  What looks good to you?

This Week’s Comics

I’m a little grumpy about this week’s comics, but that may just be the fault of last week’s comics.  Here are THIS week’s new and noteworthy titles.

  • ATOMIC ROBO GHOST OF STATION X #5 (OF 5) – Well okay, THIS gets things off to a good start: the conclusion of the 6th volume of Atomic Robo!
  • FANTASTIC FOUR #603 – I’m one issue away from being able to get caught up on both Fantastic Four and FF, but unfortunately that issue is #587, the death of Johnny Storm, which is both rare and pricey at this point.
  • PROPHET #22 – I was VERY impressed with the Prophet relaunch and will be keeping up with it for a while.  It’s not really in the vein of what I normally pick up, but it’s interesting and very readable (unlike the original Prophet run, which I couldn’t wade through) so this comes highly recommended.
  • SECRET AVENGERS #23 – $4?  Yeah, no.  I’m sure I’ll snag it eventually, but not for 4 bucks and not based on the .1 issue that just came out.
  • VENOM #13.3 – Just what in the world is going on here???  Point 3?  No Remender?  This is messed up, Marvel.

I’m not the biggest fan of the Adventure Time cartoon writing here, that honor goes to Matt, but I do enjoy it a great deal and check it out somewhat regularly.  Therefore when Boom! ??? announced they were doing a new Adventure Time series written by Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics, I was in. I’ve got to say, it’s pretty great.  It opens with a really
interesting sequence that reveals how the cartoon’s opening sequence was created, in a way that allows for the uninitiated to understand while providomg more depth if you get the reference.  There’s all sorts of easter eggs in this book, including light blue notes in the gutters that are JUST legible enough to read…if you see them.

The main story’s art by Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb is drawn in the Adventure Time house style, but Aaron Renier’s backup tells a story in his own painted style instead, and it’s a nice touch that we get to see other artistic interpretations of the characters. Boom! and all the creators involved really knocked themselves out with this one, and it’s well worth picking up if you’re a fan of hijinks, high adventure, and high…fist-bumps.

I feel like I’m the only one excited by Rob Liefeld’s Extreme relaunch, but I’m genuinely enjoying it.  Prophet #21 was excellent, and Glory #23 continues the streak of success.  The Rob obviously knows to set up his talent and then get out of the way, as the characters are established and yet feel all-new.  Or in Glory’s case, 500 years old.  Credit artist Ross Campbell with that, as he manages to make Glory look young and childlike yet world-weary and battle-damaged, all at the same time.  The artwork really is an amazing strength.  Writer Joe Keatinge manages to incorporate a healthy amount of intrigue (and provides answers to key questions in the first issue!  What an concept!) while working in enough humor and action to keep things moving.  In fact, the only knock I can think of is that it feels a bit too much like Promethea in places.  As much as I enjoyed Prophet, I loved this book.  It’s been selling briskly, but if you find a copy on the shelf, grab it. 



Do. Not. Buy.

Bloodstrike and Youngblood will round out the relaunch in the next few months, and while they’re the titles I’m least looking forward to, the strength of the first half are going to force me to give them a chance.

The less said about Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #12 the better. With the story mostly wrapped up in issue 11, IDW felt it was appropriate to charge $4 for shots of wreckage and a few wrap-up captions.  This is the biggest waste of money I may have ever spent on a comic, and IDW should never have put it out.

Ranting complete, that’s it for me this week.  What looks good to you?

This Week’s Comics

Wednesday is only 2 days away!  Here’s this week’s noteworthy titles.

  • ARSENIC LULLABY DEVILS DECADE TP – I’ve been a big fan of this title since discovering it at SDCC in 2000.  Even at its best the publishing scheudle is erratic, but if you’re a fan of incredibly wrong humor, it’s well worth looking up.
  • HULK #45 – The best way to describe this book is “Jeff Parker makes the Hulk hit classic Marvel monsters.”  Brother, if that doesn’t sell you, I don’t know what will.
  • JACK KIRBYS FOURTH WORLD OMNIBUS TP VOL 01 – Recently I’ve been curious if Jack Kirby’s Fourth World material had been all collected in one place in chronological order, then yesterday out of nowhere I was reading a five-year old issue of Birds of Prey and saw this book, offering just that.  This will be the first of four volumes, starting a paperback release this very week.
  • PUNISHER #6 – I’ve heard some great things about Rucka’s Punisher, but here’s where I stop adding it to the pull list until I can verify that firsthand.
  • VENOM #10
  • VILLAINS FOR HIRE #1 (OF 4) – FotB Andrew put Heroes for Hire in my hands and made me read it, and darned if he wasn’t right about its high-quality superheroics.  I’m curious how it fares after the change.

A couple other things I wanted to mention:

  • Our Twitter feed is still up and going strong.  Hit us up: @LEMURComics
  • I’ve been preaching Atomic Robo for some time now. has all 5 of the trades on sale right now.  Do yourself a favor and pick up an amazing title.

That’s it for this week, and my running pull list has been updated.  What looks good to you?

This Week’s Comics

Not a whole lot noteworthy this week, but let’s take a look at what is.

  • ATOMIC ROBO GHOST OF STATION X #3 (OF 6) – When your main character is in the title of the book (and it’s only issue #2), you KNOW nothing’s going to happen to him.  And yet when I read the first pages of Atomic Robo GoSX #2 it felt like a punch to the gut, that’s how good Brian Clevenger and Scott Wegener are.  Pick of the week, kids.
  • AVENGERS #19
  • FEAR ITSELF #7 POINT THREE – Ah.  Point Three now.  There you go.
  • GLADSTONES SCHOOL FOR WORLD CONQUERORS TP VOL 01 – Unlike so many of Image’s new titles, which mistake aimlessness for mystery, Gladstone’s does it right.  Now’s your chance to get caught up on an incredibly well thought-out all-ages title that keeps unravelling an legitimately intriguing mystery.  Imagine Wanted with a sense of fun (and without wanting to punch Mark Millar in the face for that last page).
  • GODZILLA LEGENDS #1 (OF 5) – With Gangsters and Goliaths wrapped up and Kingdom of Monsters losing almost all of it’s steam, this is IDW’s last chance to keep me on board for a while.
  • VENOM #9

With Matt’s recommendation, a healthy dollop of curiosity, and a big chunk of books found for 50 cents each, I’m well into IDW’s Cobra Civil War, having read the first 3-4 issues of GI Joe, Cobra, and Snake Eyes.  Each has it’s own set of pluses, as Cobra tells the main story of Cobra candidates vying for the position of Commander by trying to rack up the highest Joe body count, The GI Joe title showing the ramifications of that, and as expected, Snake Eyes’ side mission.
And while each book has it’s own strengths, Snake Eyes is the strongest title for me iwth Chuck Dixon’s strong writing and the best art of the bunch by Robert Atkins.  Color me surprised, but this is the first Joe series I’ve picked up that hasn’t crossed over with Transformers, and I’m really digging it, enough to go back and pick up another couple dozen IDW issues (all for 50 cents!).  I’m definitely digging these.
Wow, that’s a lot of IDW books!  They’re becoming quite the powerhouse.  My running pull list has been updated, that’s it for me.  What are YOU looking at?

This Week’s Comics

The New 52 continues full-bore this week, as Marvel finally wraps up Fear Itself and releases a questionable X-Men book.  Here’s this week’s noteworthy titles.

    • ATOMIC ROBO GHOST OF STATION X #2 (OF 6) – I think Atomic Robo is my favorite title coming out right now, by anybody anywhere.  It’s fun, beautiful, and comes out regularly.  Plus, Ghost of Station X happens in the present!  Comics can be fun and this book proves it.  Add it to your pull list now, thank me later.
    • AVENGERS #18
    • BATMAN ODYSSEY VOL 2 #1 (OF 7) – I’m curious what’s going on with this one.  The last issue of Odyssey came out months ago, so did DC decide to relaunch the rest of it as a volume 2?  Either way, pass on this book.  I’ve read one through six and it’s pretty, but a violent mess. Neal Adams is still an incredibly strong artist but he seems to be taking pointers on writing from The Worst of Frank Miller’s Batman (TM).
    • FEAR ITSELF #7 (OF 7) – By all accounts this has been the best event title Marvel has put out in quite some time.  I’m looking forward to reading it, but they’ve been doing a good job of selling out, making my plan to pick them up on the cheap pretty difficult.
    • GODZILLA GANGSTERS & GOLIATHS #5 (OF 5) – I’ve considered this the poor man’s IDW Godzilla title, but John Layman does a pretty good job here.  Not the premier Godzilla title of our day, but worth reading if you’re jonesing.
    • HULK #43
    • SUPERIOR #6 (OF 6)
    • WOLVERINE #17
    • X-MEN #1 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION – I’m really, really curious what’s going on with this one.  The cynic in me thinks it’s Marvel showing DC that they can put out a book with Jim Lee art, too, but it seems strange they’d pick a book you can find in any quarter bin in America.  Hopefully they’ll be justifying the re-release with some solid additional material, but the necessity of this one confuses me.  (A quick search shows, at the very least it’ll be recolored.)

Well, that’s it for this week.  What are YOU looking at?

Two Weeks’ Comics

We’ve been a bit behind due to the biannual L.E.M.U.R. Comics Blog shareholders meeting, sorry everyone.  We’re ready to dive back in, though, with This (and Last) Week’s Comics, so there’s a lot to look at. Let’s dive in.

  • ATOMIC ROBO TP VOL 05 DEADLY ART OF SCIENCE – If you missed out on the issues when they came out, don’t miss out on this collection!
  • AVENGERS #15 – I’m not too far in to the Adjectiveless Avengers run, but it’s not really doing a lot for me.  I’m not sure how long to keep this one on the list.
  • BATMAN #712
  • DAREDEVIL #1 – I’ve been fairly nonplussed with events in the Daredevil titles for the past few years, but it’s Mark Waid, and that’s got to count for something.  His War Rocket Ajax appearance helped seal the deal, though.
  • DC RETROACTIVE BATMAN THE 70S #1, DC RETROACTIVE THE FLASH THE 70S #1, and DC RETROACTIVE WONDER WOMAN THE 70S #1 – I’m digging the concept of the Retroactive titles, where DC reunites classic creative teams (where they can) and tells retro stories, so yeah, they’ll go on the list.
  • DC RETROACTIVE GREEN LANTERN THE 70S #1, DC RETROACTIVE JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA THE 70S #1, and DC RETROACTIVE SUPERMAN THE 70S #1 – I haven’t picked up last week’s batch of Retroactive books, but they looked exactly like what you’d want.
  • DISNEY MUPPETS PRESENTS MEET MUPPETS #1 – I hope Marvel/Disney does as good a job with these as Boom! Studios did.  Fortunately, by startingoff with a “lost” Langridge tale they’re off to a good start.
  • FF #7 – I finally picked up numbers 2-4, but unfortunately I can’t dive into them until I wrap up Fantastic Four and find FF #1.
  • HERC #5 – I’m a couple issues in on the new Hercules title and it’s okay, but has lost too much of the sheer joy that made Incredible Hercules a must-read.  This one may stop at the end of the first arc.
  • HULK #37

  • UNCANNY X-FORCE #12 – One of the few books I’m totally caught up on, and I’m loving it!  Having the team travel to the Age of Apocalypse timeline was a great idea by Rick Remender.
  • VENOM #5
  • VENOM FLASHPOINT #1 – Wait…What???
  • WAR OF THE GREEN LANTERNS AFTERMATH #1 (OF 2) – I don’t normally go for the prequel or wrap-up books (especially if they’re mini-series), but if I’m not paying cover price, why not?
  • X-MEN SCHISM #2 (OF 5)

I’m also 2 weeks behind on my reading; the only book I’ve read yet is Marksmen, a new title from Image that was priced just for me at a buck.  It was a pretty forgettable read, though.  The post-apocalyptic wasteland seemed pretty tailor-made for me, but even though I can tell writer David Baxter and artist Javier Aranda  have some definitely talent, it could stand to be a bit more polished.

That’s it for now.  Hopefully I’ll get significantly more reading in for next week.  What are YOU looking at?